Using five sentences, tell us who YOU are, the writer.
Torie: Torie James. The Once and Future Queen. Also known as
Little Writer Girl. Angel to some. Demon to Others.
Do you currently have any books out for purchase? If so, what
are the names, what’s it about and where can we find them?
Torie: I do indeedy have
a lil tale out for public consumption. The debut novel in my New Camelot
Series, "Timeless Night".
Amazon Link:
Breathless Press Link:
Are you currently working on something? Tell us about it!
Torie: I am! Currently working on Book Two in the NC series,
"Timeless Desire". It picks up a few months after "Timeless
Night" ends and has a bit more edge and a darker tone. Loyalty is
questions, some ties are broken. I'm very excited!
If you were stranded on a deserted island, what THREE things
could you not live without?
Torie: Chocolate. Chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?
When is your most creative time of the day?
Torie: Early morning and right around twilight. The air is full
of hidden things that speak to me.
What motivates you to write? Music, movies, pictures?
Torie: Music and pics would top that list!
If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead,
who would it be and why?
Torie: Elizabeth I. I am a fangirl and amateur historian who
found her fascinating. She did everything they said she couldn't do. And
changed the face of a whole nation.
What authors inspire you? Why?
Torie: Anne Rice. Sherrilyn Kenyon. Charlaine Harris. Laurell
K. Hamilton. Strong women who write strong characters and have definitely
opened up new avenues on old stories. They are my Goddesses.
What started you on the journey to write?
Torie: I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I
didn't know that I wanted to write, to tell stories, to weave words.
What are the biggest challenges you’ve come across being an
author or a writer?
Torie: I lack ambition, and somedays, motivation. But to tell a
good tale, sometimes you have to go to uncomfy places. I learned that just
recently. It's hard, but I think it'll be worth it.
How has becoming a published author (independent or
traditional) changed your perspective on life and is it everything you expected
it to be? (If you are not published yet – what changes do you foresee?)
Torie: Hmmm. I want to say I'm followed by the paparazzi every
where I go, but I'm not. *grins* I'm still a bit shocked that I am published!
It's everything I thought it would be and more. Nothing about me has changed
fundamentally. I'm still all about telling more stories. It gives me the hugest
happy to see how well received my world has been though.
How do you stay motivated and get through writer’s block?
Torie: I don't force it. If the muse is quiet and moody, I'll
start working on other things. She usually comes racing back the moment I'm
What keeps you focused and ‘in the zone’ while writing your
Torie: I pepper my lappy with nothing but "book"
related things. Pics, music, poems. If I don't feel like writing, I sure as
heck dabble with photo's or I research.
Do you have a technique or style of writing you prefer? Do you
write in order or skip around and piece together later?
Torie: Totally skip to the lou and go Frankenstein on it at the
end and piece it together. Color me Igor!
When your dreams come true, what do you do?
Torie: Hit my knees and thank the Powers that Be, the Old Ways,
for allowing me to not just have this dream, but share it with others.
To all of us aspiring authors, struggling, or newbies, what is
the best advice you can give us?
Torie: Keep going. Hardest part is getting started. Don't worry
if you're worthy, or talented or if you're gonna fall flat on your arse. The
only thing that matters is that YOU keep going. Shoot for the moon, even if you
fall short, you'll still land among the stars. Don't let ANYONE take your
successes or your happiness from you.
Where can we follow your updates and work?
*squee* Thank you, my Lady Lauren! <3