Saturday, January 4, 2014

You know you're a writer when.....

I thought I'd share my random ramblings with the world. So I have a few ideas for a few novels. Most of them are romance, something I really enjoy writing. Some of them have a supernatural or historical element to them and that makes it more interesting as more research goes into that. I recently wanted to challenge myself and have been thinking of some kind of plot/idea to make a book series. I finally think I landed the right idea that can span 3-4 books. It involves something I find fascinating and interests me. It was one of the reasons I went into law enforcement. I won't spoil too much but it will be crime and mystery, and it will be about serial killings. All fictional, but I think the twist is pretty interesting. So I was sitting here thinking about it all and it made me laugh....

You know you're a writer when you fear law enforcement seeing your google searches. {I.E poison to use that kills you slowly, spells from the 17th century, 17th century witchcraft, crime scene photos, sentence for homicide, etc...} The list goes on and I know there have been crazier searches. And all of it is innocent and only research for writing...but to another're psycho.

It's crazy some days...all these voices in your head talking to you wanting you to tell their story....see, there I went and sounded like a crazy person. I promise I am completely sane...which is probably something a crazy person would say. :/ point is, being a writer has its ups and downs. You have these characters you  created and bits of you are found in them. You are a part of them, you were their creator. They are important to you. Some days my brain is filled with so many ideas, dialogue, scenes, they play out like a movie in my head and if I don't get them down right away, 9 times out of 10 I'll forget them. They come at completely random times. A picture, something someone says, a song, a movie...anything can trigger that spontaneous writer tick that we all have. Your friend is talking about how bad their day is and you're all "OOOO I know my characters last name!" happens.

Family and friends who stand behind you and support your "Crazy person ways" are the best and deserve to hear thanks every now and then. I know a few times I've asked my husband something if he thought it was plausible, interesting, made sense, or sounded off. Sometimes he'd give me that  "Are you for real right now or in writer mode?" look.

I often question if all the great writers are like this. Stephen King, James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, Charlaine Harris...did they think this way? Am I weird or crazy? Is this the crazy life of a writer?

Either way, I'm hooked and this is my thing. No longer a hobby for fun, but it's what I want ( day) to be my career. Being famous isn't important, but I would like to be known...get my name out there. Who doesn't? So if my life is going to be brain cramped with ideas and such, dreams coming and making me think of more stuff....sign me up. It's a writers life after all....right?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Interview with the Once and Future Queen of New Camelot--Torie James

Using five sentences, tell us who YOU are, the writer.

Torie: Torie James. The Once and Future Queen. Also known as Little Writer Girl. Angel to some. Demon to Others.

Do you currently have any books out for purchase? If so, what are the names, what’s it about and where can we find them?

Torie:  I do indeedy have a lil tale out for public consumption. The debut novel in my New Camelot Series, "Timeless Night".

Are you currently working on something? Tell us about it!

Torie: I am! Currently working on Book Two in the NC series, "Timeless Desire". It picks up a few months after "Timeless Night" ends and has a bit more edge and a darker tone. Loyalty is questions, some ties are broken. I'm very excited!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what THREE things could you not live without?

Torie: Chocolate. Chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?

When is your most creative time of the day?

Torie: Early morning and right around twilight. The air is full of hidden things that speak to me.

What motivates you to write? Music, movies, pictures?

Torie: Music and pics would top that list!

If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Torie: Elizabeth I. I am a fangirl and amateur historian who found her fascinating. She did everything they said she couldn't do. And changed the face of a whole nation.

What authors inspire you? Why?

Torie: Anne Rice. Sherrilyn Kenyon. Charlaine Harris. Laurell K. Hamilton. Strong women who write strong characters and have definitely opened up new avenues on old stories. They are my Goddesses.

What started you on the journey to write?

Torie: I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know that I wanted to write, to tell stories, to weave words.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve come across being an author or a writer?

Torie: I lack ambition, and somedays, motivation. But to tell a good tale, sometimes you have to go to uncomfy places. I learned that just recently. It's hard, but I think it'll be worth it.

How has becoming a published author (independent or traditional) changed your perspective on life and is it everything you expected it to be? (If you are not published yet – what changes do you foresee?)

Torie: Hmmm. I want to say I'm followed by the paparazzi every where I go, but I'm not. *grins* I'm still a bit shocked that I am published! It's everything I thought it would be and more. Nothing about me has changed fundamentally. I'm still all about telling more stories. It gives me the hugest happy to see how well received my world has been though.

How do you stay motivated and get through writer’s block?

Torie: I don't force it. If the muse is quiet and moody, I'll start working on other things. She usually comes racing back the moment I'm busy.

What keeps you focused and ‘in the zone’ while writing your novels?

Torie: I pepper my lappy with nothing but "book" related things. Pics, music, poems. If I don't feel like writing, I sure as heck dabble with photo's or I research.

Do you have a technique or style of writing you prefer? Do you write in order or skip around and piece together later?

Torie: Totally skip to the lou and go Frankenstein on it at the end and piece it together. Color me Igor!

When your dreams come true, what do you do?

Torie: Hit my knees and thank the Powers that Be, the Old Ways, for allowing me to not just have this dream, but share it with others.

To all of us aspiring authors, struggling, or newbies, what is the best advice you can give us?

Torie: Keep going. Hardest part is getting started. Don't worry if you're worthy, or talented or if you're gonna fall flat on your arse. The only thing that matters is that YOU keep going. Shoot for the moon, even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars. Don't let ANYONE take your successes or your happiness from you.

Where can we follow your updates and work?