Monday, November 17, 2014


I recently was invited to an Author's Roundtable/Book Signing at my local library. I cannot even begin to explain how humbled, honored and down right excited I was. I was blessed to meet five of the most amazing fellow women authors from my community and it blew my mind to hear their stories, to chat with them and to just be in the same room with them. I was the newbie of the group and found myself in awe as I listened to them talk about the stories and worlds they'd created and how they did it.

It was, without a doubt, the most insightful and eye opening day I have ever had. I realized a lot about myself that day--as a woman and as an author. I was interviewed and it was the first time I'd been asked some of these questions, which made me think and also made me remember WHY.

So, why?

Why did I write it?
Well, the answer is simple--it was a story that needed to be told. The idea stemmed from my mother and it was a project I was working with her on. After she passed, I wanted to finish the project but unfortunately, it had been thrown away. So, I started from scratch and used a few of her ideas to make it my own and recreate something new. I planted her seed, nourished it and watched as it grew and began to take a mind of it's own. The characters began to tell their own story and I fell in love with watching it all unfold in my mind as I wrote it out on paper. (Technically speaking, I typed it out but yeah)

Why do I continue to write?
That's even easier. The reason I began in the first place was because I wanted to touch people with my words. Give them inspiration, hope, make them fall in love with reading again. I want to create a world my readers can get lost in and escape to after a long day in the real world. Because, let's face it, sometimes our lives just suck, and to quell that we can pick up a book and get lost in a story of forbidden love, a story of mysterious murders, a story of magical sorcerers and human dragon people. That's really what it's all about, the imagination of it all.

I'm an emotional writer ( I guess that's how to describe it) I write what I want my readers to feel, to see, to picture it as if they were watching a movie. To me, description is everything and if I can describe something with my words so that it paints a picture in your mind, explain the emotion so thoroughly that you FEEL what my characters feel, then...I've done my job. It's about pulling your emotions out by reading written word. That's the kind of author I've always like to read, the ones that make me feel something. So, that was the type of author I aspired to be.

Another reason I write--to become someone. Not to be famous or rich (although those things are nice) If I were to say I want to be a NY Bestseller, it's only so that I know I've reached millions with my words. That I've made a difference or gave someone some kind of joy by reading my work. I aspire to be more than just a mom, a wife, a co-worker....I want to be a writer, an author. I want to be successful. Someone my son can one day be proud of because I didn't give up on my dreams. I want to be living proof that if you dream big enough, and work hard to make those dreams reality that you will succeed. A dream is only a dream until you make it a reality. It won't just happen on it's own, you have to want it enough, work at it enough.

Why should you buy and read my book?

Well, again that's simple. I'll start with saying I'm the worst at promoting myself. But I'm proud enough of my work that I'll yell it from the mountaintops. So, I'll start by being honest. It's a book about love, family and has a lot of mystery and drama in it. If you're looking for a contemporary romance with REAL characters who you can connect to, feel their emotions and get lost in...then my book is for you. If you like a good mystery that keeps you guessing with lots of romance tension and twists...then my book is for you.

Read the amazon reviews for yourself, read the first few pages if you want...but take a chance on it. If you read it, I do ask you to leave a review. Whether you liked it or not, I want to know because it's the only way I'll grow as a writer. Suggest it to your friends who you think would enjoy it, help me spread it around and bring some emotion to people again.

And, while you're at it for looking for new books to delve into, check these out as well. I can guarantee you will not be disappointed by taking the chance on these lovely ladies.

Joyce Richards Case
Paper Dreams: Volume One
Pressing on with Hope: Volume Two
Stories about a family business and all it entails

Veronica Brown
The Daughter of the Puppet King
A tale of magic and intrigue!

Anne Simon
Blood in the Cane Field
A story of crime, passion and mystery that you won't want to put down!

Stephanie Judice
Rising--The Saga of the Setti
A story with love, mystery and action you don't want to miss out on. Part of a series.
--Also her pen name Juliette Cross
Get lost in the worlds she's created!

Margaret Simon
A wholesome story about a young girl's journey to discovery. Sweet and captivating--give it a try. Great for young readers and up!

I was honored to spend the day with these ladies and I cannot wait to see what more they come out with. Give their work a try, like it? Leave them a review and spread the word to your friends. We can't succeed without the help of our readers...

I'd also like to share with you three other authors who inspire me daily, whom I happen to call friends.

Torie James
Timeless Night-Book 1
Timeless Desire-Book 2
Multiple anthologies
Stories with Arthurian lore (King Arthur and his knights, as well as the noble sir Lancelot) filled with drama, mystery, action and best of romance!

Jas T. Ward
Madness:Shadow Keepers Series
Lust: Shadow Keepers Series book 2--Coming soon!
Love's Bitter Harvest
Bits and Pieces: Tales and Sonnets
The Shadow Keepers series is full of action, romance and a bit of mystery. She's created a world I love getting lost in.
Love's Bitter Harvest is her rendition of romance--the hard, raw, real way.

R.J. Loom
The Ilia Stone: Book one
A story of centuries old mystery (Ancient Greek history) and romance.

Thank you guys for never letting me give up on my dreams, for nourishing my talents and being there for me. It means a lot. I look up to you all....and you too, Liam *winks* I can't wait to read your works!

So there you have WHY. Tell me WHY you're not reading yet? *grins*

OH! and of course,,,my book that's out: Circle Of Secrets

Saturday, October 25, 2014

What defines you...

This blog will probably be the hardest and most personal blog I ever write—but I’m ready to share it. Today I realized a lot about myself.  So, we've all had struggles and most of the things we go through in life defines us and makes us who we are today--good or bad. I remember a time when I looked like this: 

It was not my proudest moment, but this was me at my heaviest. I was about 325 pounds and this was taken a few months to a year after I lost my mom. Something inside of me died too--my spirit. My passion, my hopes, my goals. I really just didn't care anymore. I let fear overtake me. Here I was, a wife at 19, no mother or father, no siblings...and I depended on my cousins, aunts and uncles to be my family. It still didn't fill that void, but food did. Food always helped.

So, it wasn't until 2012 when I realized I had to make a change. I had to do something and get healthier, if not for me, for my son Payton. So I set out and changed things in baby steps. Those baby steps grew to big girl steps until I finally just dove in head first and never looked back. I joined a gym, I ate healthier and I didn't stop pushing myself to my maximum limit. Since then, I've lost 100 pounds. Yes, one hundred. 10 pant sizes, 2-3 shirt sizes, a shoe size (believe it or not), 2 ring sizes. I lost a lot...but gained so, so much more.


I used to hide behind a smile and pretend to be okay. I was always bubbly and outgoing, but I felt like a star who had no glow. I didn't shine. Now, I can look into the mirror and somewhat feel a glow. I feel beautiful and I feel like my outside is beginning to match what's inside.

Trust me, I am no where near done my transformation. It's a journey and the destination will be so worth it in the end. There were a lot of sweat, tears and times when I felt like just throwing in the towel...but I didn't. That basically answers the question to all those who ask "Omg you look great, what did you do?!" Well...I just started and I didn't stop. Giving up was not an option then and it's not now.

So, the big secret. I've been at the hardest plateau ever since May. I've maintained well, clothes are loose but the scale goes up then down. I've admitted---I'm a scale-a-holic....and it will be my down fall if I don't stop. I was at the gym today and I realized, I DO look fantastic, even though I felt like a sausage stuffed in casing. I HAVE made so much progress, I HAVE changed--in many ways than just physical. I feel more confident, I am not as shy, I smile--a lot. And I love to laugh again. I feel like ME again, like the girl turned woman before her mother died. Though I've grown, I feel like I've finally started to get my passions back, my spirit, my hopes and my goals. I dream again--and I dream big.

But I still fear. Why? Being a scale-a-holic is something that's not really known or talked about. Hell, I probably just now invented it, but regardless....the struggle is this: I let those numbers depict my day, my life. I let those numbers get to me, control me, eat at me, discourage me. Every.single.morning I have to weigh myself. If I've gained a pound, I frantically try to figure out why and what I've done to gain. I'm paranoid...I freak out and then get pissed. Then...I get sad. Then, I can't focus to get back on track with eating right and clean like before. I continue to work out and push myself, but motivation is slacking and getting my eating habits back on track is harder because of those THREE little numbers that should mean nothing, but mean everything.

I sabotage myself. Why? I'm scared....I'm scared I'll go back to the 325 pound Lauren who was just the fat girl in high school. I was the one they sang songs about and titled "Biggie, Biggie, Biggie..." I was "Miss Piggy." I was "Rosanne." My weight defined me then...and now the numbers do. And it has to stop. NOW.

It was possible then and it's possible now. I didn't give up before and like hell will I now, even though most days I figure why not. But I can't. I'm not done yet. I'm transforming myself and it takes time. So if it takes me another year, so be it. But I will keep that weight off for good. I will succeed because I REFUSE to let those numbers win. I am a beautiful, confident woman damn it and I will show it.

Losing weight is never easy. They don't tell you how emotionally draining it is. You know the physical aspects of it, but you never realize the scars that lay buried until you shed what covered said scars. Every time I think of giving up I remember that blind date in tenth grade when the guy said "150 pounds? What in each leg?" That killed me. It broke me and it still hurts to this day.

Sad thing is? Society never will help images or the way we view ourselves. I feel so bad for the young girls today going on fad diets just to be in size 0 because that's what's acceptable. I define what's acceptable to me and I say--beauty is only skin deep. They always say it's what's on the inside that matters and it's really how it should be. So why do we always look to the outside appearance first and make our assumptions based solely on that? But we do...and this is the world we live in.

 So, today I had an epiphany. It's time for me to break up with the scale and only get together every couple weeks or so. It's killing my progress and it all started in May when I had to weigh everyday because I hit my first goal of 100 pounds and was terrified to gain any of it back. Even feeling like I was taking on more water than the Titanic, regardless the fact I had Sonic the night before, I still looked beautiful in the mirror...and that's something the scale could never tell me. in the eye of the beholder. So behold your beauty, regardless of size or what the number on the scale says....embrace it!

Monday, March 10, 2014

It's a Timeless Desire....

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Torie James, AGAIN *squee* for a little one on one about her newest book in her series, TIMELESS DESIRE: Book 2 of the New Camelot series. It will be released March 21st and you WILL want to get your copy. I suggest this author and I can assure you, you will NOT be disappointed. Here's what she had to say, below:

In Timeless Night, we learned that Alex and Bri are soul mates. Can you tell us if we can expect to see these two love birds in more of your series?

 I can safely say that Alex and Bri WILL appear in all the New Camelot books for various reasons although the focal point won’t be on them as the others tell their tales. However, Bri is kind of the like the glue that holds them all together.

Timeless Desire is set to be the next book released in the series and anyone who follows you knows that it took a lot to write it out. A lot of emotional things were brought to the surface, can you tell us how your struggles helped or affected your writing?

At first, it was all hindrance and all painful. I blamed the icy nature of Nimue on that and her inability to trust. Turns out I was the problem the whole time. Bri definitely represents the happies in me but Nim? She is all my shadows and heartbreak so it was hard to confront that. In point of fact, I was entirely resistant to letting it out but in the end, it was therapeutic.

Will there ever be a love interest for Big Beefy aka Mordred? We’re dying to know!  

*laughs* Ah, Big Beefy. My bete noir...nightmare man! Believe or not, Dred is really a complex character if you care to scratch the surface. I started out hating him, grudgingly came to respect him and am now seeing things about him I didn’t before. So much so that yes, he will get his own book, Timeless Seduction. He’s a hard man to love, and its even harder for HIM to love, but let’s see what magic is in store for our anti hero, shall we?

In book one, Alex and Bri are the main couple…can we expect a book focusing on Gwen and Arthur, or any other couples? TD is about Gawain and Nimue, I know I can’t wait to read what all that tension was about. 

I can’t wait for you guys to read it! And yes, after Timeless Seduction (book 3) comes Timeless Passion, Arthur & Gwen’s story. I wasn’t sure if I’d put a spotlight on them  theirs is one of those love stories that seem inviolate with loving tragedy. But we are in New Camelot and not everything remains myth, right? I’ve exonerated Lancelot with Timeless Night. So, Art and Gwen deserve a shot too. After their book will be Merlyn’s story. His will be the most heart wrenching for me. Are there any more supernatural things going to be introduced, more than light guardians? Oh yes! Fae, Demons, Djinn and a bevy of “others” waiting to come out and play!

Any plans for another series or another book with a completely different set of characters and plots? 

Bwuah ha ha! Yes! First off will be my Cloie Chronicles, the adventures of the youngest of the Greek Fates! That one is REALLY special to me! After those, I have plans for another series about the devil’s daughter AND I really want to start writing a series of books on the Tudors!

What do you enjoy most about writing and why

I can live a thousand lives and be whatever I want to be.

If you could have ONE thing, what would it be right now? 

My own private jet so I could visit all my Dear Ones....of which YOU, my dear, are one! <3

If you could be one of your characters for one whole day, who would it be and why?  

*grins wide* I’m already Bri. So, let’s see. I think I should like to be Merlyn. Perhaps I already am, though. Or perhaps he is me.

Are there any pieces of you in your characters? Meaning, did you give this character your wit, this character your love of this, etc. 

Every single character has some definitive part of me in them. No doubt! In fact, I am finding out many new things about myself through them. They save me every single day, showing me I am strong, I am worthy and I am amazing.

Excerpt from Timeless Desire, Book Two of New Camelot:

Why did his touch still burn through her, make her heart skip a beat? "Trust you? Trust you? I'd rather take a running leap onto the face of the sun, Gawain. I trusted you once and you ruined my life. I trusted you once more and you helped kill what I loved. Excuse me if I find your use of that particular word ironic." She shoved hard against him, hard enough he stumbled back a bit, allowing her to slip from his hold.

"If Lancelot knew, he'd hate you as much as I do. They all would! The only reason he remains unaware, is he is at peace again with his heart. I won't disturb it for the world. So your dirty little secret is safe with me, husband." The last word spit out with derision, she gave him a cold smile.

"Let me go, Gawain. It's easy. As for the blood link, simple solution. We can continue to provide each other with what's needed without being together. As black as your blood is, it does provide me with the necessary sustenance. But that's all you are to me, now. A food source. There is no happy ending for us. You botched that up proper. I have stayed my voice the last few months for Bri. For Alex. But I owe you nothing. So let me go my way!" She moved as wind, reaching down to snatch off one of her stiletto'd heels, her free hand shoving him back into the wall, mortar crumbling around them. Animosity spurred her on as she angled the heel over his heart. "Or I will kill you. I swear it. I will kill you and in killing you, I kill myself. That's how desperate I am to be free of you."

Lauren, babe...Thank YOU so much for letting me be here today! You rock! *hugs*

Interested in keeping up with me and my shenanigans? You can find me at:

Breathless Press Website:

Monday, February 24, 2014

The Mommy Chronicles

So, I have a three year old son, whom I adore....most days. :D His name is Payton and he drives me insane. I feel like I'm at a meeting sometimes, confessing things and just want to say, "Hi, I'm a mom to a three year old and I often pull my hair out..." So, instead....I asked a few moms their confessions and well, it's all so true. If you can't relate, well then, congrats you have the perfect little life and you're the perfect little mommy, GO YOU! Not..

Some of these are mine, some are not. Have fun reading!

When my child has a hissy fit, I let him scream it out to "build character", but mostly because it's hilarious. Come on, when is watching your child freak the heck out and get red faced and fuming because you said "No, you can have a snack AFTER dinner..." not funny? Right?

Once we're mommies to toddlers, we seem to get some superpowers. I know my superpower is deaf ears. When he's just being crazy loud and annoying, I tune him out. I've become quite good that I can get work done and only respond to screams of pain or crying in pain. You start to learn not every wail is important.

Giving him his toothbrush to chew rather than having him fuss while brushing his teeth. Two birds, one stone...right?

That moment when I see him standing on the kitchen table...again....I pretend I don't see just so I don't have to get up and get him down....again.

When I'm extremely tired... letting him soak in bubble bath is considered bath time. Smells clean, good enough for me.

At some point, I stopped getting worried by the sanitation of what he puts in his mouth. It's called building immunity.

He gets into everything no matter how child proofed your house is and how high you put stuff....Poison control has heard from me more than my friends do.

When I hear them starting to argue from the other room, I quickly hide so they get distracted in trying to find me. You know they'll always run to mommy for an intervention.

When my kids don't wake up in the morning, I pretend I'm talking to someone at the back door. They get so curious, they jump right up. Nosy little boogers.

For storytime, I skip read and skip paragraphs. It's not like he notices?

HOW annoying is it when your kid listens to EVERYONE around you...but you. This is done purposely to test our patience.

I've become my know the sayings we used to hate hearing so much. Can I get an "AMEN" if you heard this once...or a thousand times.

1. "Oh, you won't feel that when you married."
2. "If you fall off the sofa, don't come crying to me."
3. "I brought you in this world, I can surely take you out."
4. Speaking through your clenched teeth because that's so much more threatening like you mean business.
5. "Aw, poor baby...poor little thing." Sarcastically like it's not really poor baby...
6. "If you don't stop, so help me God..."
7. "I will take you in that bathroom."

You know you're a mommy when you....

* Think idle threats will work and get the job done. Don't follow through? You look soft.
* Count down the time until bedtime and map out your night in your head. (put kid to bed, wine, bath, reading, sleep. Come on 8:30!)
* Are in the store and your kid has a hissy fit, all you can do is smile and shake your head but mentally think ohhhhh just wait until we're alone.
* You find that 80% of your purse contents are sippy cups, pacifiers, toys, wipes or other toddler/baby related items.
* Socks...disappear. They just disappear and you're certain the inside of your washer or dryer may look like a sock graveyard if taken apart and disassembled.
* You love your kid 1000 times more when they're sleeping because they look so peaceful and quiet.
* Would do it all over again, because...well, we love the torture? lol just kidding...maybe?

I love my son with my whole heart and soul, and he's the best thing that's happened to me. I'll always love him, I just don't always have to like him. :P

I'm sure all you moms out there can relate. Motherhood was never meant to be easy, and the joys outweigh the frustration, but when your night if finally quiet and you can think...all you think about is how lucky you are to be a mom to the sweetest (when he wants to be) little boy and know that he loves you unconditionally just as much as you love him. And there is nothing, nothing you would not do for him. At least that's how I feel. I LOVE my son, but I hate the toddler years. (Terrible twos and threes) It's a process though....and definitely an uphill climb. One I'm glad to take with my fellow mommies. There's a huge bottle of wine waiting for us at the top!!!

Until next time,
First time mom.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

You know you're a writer when.....

I thought I'd share my random ramblings with the world. So I have a few ideas for a few novels. Most of them are romance, something I really enjoy writing. Some of them have a supernatural or historical element to them and that makes it more interesting as more research goes into that. I recently wanted to challenge myself and have been thinking of some kind of plot/idea to make a book series. I finally think I landed the right idea that can span 3-4 books. It involves something I find fascinating and interests me. It was one of the reasons I went into law enforcement. I won't spoil too much but it will be crime and mystery, and it will be about serial killings. All fictional, but I think the twist is pretty interesting. So I was sitting here thinking about it all and it made me laugh....

You know you're a writer when you fear law enforcement seeing your google searches. {I.E poison to use that kills you slowly, spells from the 17th century, 17th century witchcraft, crime scene photos, sentence for homicide, etc...} The list goes on and I know there have been crazier searches. And all of it is innocent and only research for writing...but to another're psycho.

It's crazy some days...all these voices in your head talking to you wanting you to tell their story....see, there I went and sounded like a crazy person. I promise I am completely sane...which is probably something a crazy person would say. :/ point is, being a writer has its ups and downs. You have these characters you  created and bits of you are found in them. You are a part of them, you were their creator. They are important to you. Some days my brain is filled with so many ideas, dialogue, scenes, they play out like a movie in my head and if I don't get them down right away, 9 times out of 10 I'll forget them. They come at completely random times. A picture, something someone says, a song, a movie...anything can trigger that spontaneous writer tick that we all have. Your friend is talking about how bad their day is and you're all "OOOO I know my characters last name!" happens.

Family and friends who stand behind you and support your "Crazy person ways" are the best and deserve to hear thanks every now and then. I know a few times I've asked my husband something if he thought it was plausible, interesting, made sense, or sounded off. Sometimes he'd give me that  "Are you for real right now or in writer mode?" look.

I often question if all the great writers are like this. Stephen King, James Patterson, Nicholas Sparks, Charlaine Harris...did they think this way? Am I weird or crazy? Is this the crazy life of a writer?

Either way, I'm hooked and this is my thing. No longer a hobby for fun, but it's what I want ( day) to be my career. Being famous isn't important, but I would like to be known...get my name out there. Who doesn't? So if my life is going to be brain cramped with ideas and such, dreams coming and making me think of more stuff....sign me up. It's a writers life after all....right?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Interview with the Once and Future Queen of New Camelot--Torie James

Using five sentences, tell us who YOU are, the writer.

Torie: Torie James. The Once and Future Queen. Also known as Little Writer Girl. Angel to some. Demon to Others.

Do you currently have any books out for purchase? If so, what are the names, what’s it about and where can we find them?

Torie:  I do indeedy have a lil tale out for public consumption. The debut novel in my New Camelot Series, "Timeless Night".

Are you currently working on something? Tell us about it!

Torie: I am! Currently working on Book Two in the NC series, "Timeless Desire". It picks up a few months after "Timeless Night" ends and has a bit more edge and a darker tone. Loyalty is questions, some ties are broken. I'm very excited!

If you were stranded on a deserted island, what THREE things could you not live without?

Torie: Chocolate. Chocolate. Did I mention chocolate?

When is your most creative time of the day?

Torie: Early morning and right around twilight. The air is full of hidden things that speak to me.

What motivates you to write? Music, movies, pictures?

Torie: Music and pics would top that list!

If you could have a conversation with anyone, living or dead, who would it be and why?

Torie: Elizabeth I. I am a fangirl and amateur historian who found her fascinating. She did everything they said she couldn't do. And changed the face of a whole nation.

What authors inspire you? Why?

Torie: Anne Rice. Sherrilyn Kenyon. Charlaine Harris. Laurell K. Hamilton. Strong women who write strong characters and have definitely opened up new avenues on old stories. They are my Goddesses.

What started you on the journey to write?

Torie: I honestly can't remember a time in my life when I didn't know that I wanted to write, to tell stories, to weave words.

What are the biggest challenges you’ve come across being an author or a writer?

Torie: I lack ambition, and somedays, motivation. But to tell a good tale, sometimes you have to go to uncomfy places. I learned that just recently. It's hard, but I think it'll be worth it.

How has becoming a published author (independent or traditional) changed your perspective on life and is it everything you expected it to be? (If you are not published yet – what changes do you foresee?)

Torie: Hmmm. I want to say I'm followed by the paparazzi every where I go, but I'm not. *grins* I'm still a bit shocked that I am published! It's everything I thought it would be and more. Nothing about me has changed fundamentally. I'm still all about telling more stories. It gives me the hugest happy to see how well received my world has been though.

How do you stay motivated and get through writer’s block?

Torie: I don't force it. If the muse is quiet and moody, I'll start working on other things. She usually comes racing back the moment I'm busy.

What keeps you focused and ‘in the zone’ while writing your novels?

Torie: I pepper my lappy with nothing but "book" related things. Pics, music, poems. If I don't feel like writing, I sure as heck dabble with photo's or I research.

Do you have a technique or style of writing you prefer? Do you write in order or skip around and piece together later?

Torie: Totally skip to the lou and go Frankenstein on it at the end and piece it together. Color me Igor!

When your dreams come true, what do you do?

Torie: Hit my knees and thank the Powers that Be, the Old Ways, for allowing me to not just have this dream, but share it with others.

To all of us aspiring authors, struggling, or newbies, what is the best advice you can give us?

Torie: Keep going. Hardest part is getting started. Don't worry if you're worthy, or talented or if you're gonna fall flat on your arse. The only thing that matters is that YOU keep going. Shoot for the moon, even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars. Don't let ANYONE take your successes or your happiness from you.

Where can we follow your updates and work?